Marius Mantoiu

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Área de Investigación

Análisis Funcional, Física-Matemática


  1. Mantoiu, Marius: Resolvent estimates and smoothing for homogeneous partial differential operators on graded Lie groups. Comm. Partial Differential Equations 42 (2017), no. 11,1659–1681.  ISSN: 0360-5302. Impact Factor: 1.908.
  2. Mantoiu, Marius: Spectral analysis for perturbed operators on Carnot groups. Arch. Math. (Basel) 109 (2017), no. 2, 167–177. ISSN 1420-8938, Impact Factor: 0.591. 
  3. Mantoiu, Marius:  Essential spectrum and Fredholm properties for operators on locally compact groups. J. Operator Theory 77 (2017), no. 2, 481–501. ISSN: 0379-4024. Impact Factor: 0.616.
  4. Beltiţa, Ingrid; Beltiţa, Daniel; Mantoiu, Marius: Symbol calculus of square-integrable operator-valued maps. Rocky Mountain J. Math. 46 (2016), no. 6, 1795–1851.  ISSN: 0035 – 7596, Impact Factor: 0.425.
  5. Bustos, H.; Mantoiu, M.: C-algebraic covariant structures. Houston J. Math. 42 (2016), no. 3, 945–976. ISSN: 0362-1588, Impact Factor:  0.255.


  1. 2016-2020: Proyecto Fondecyt No. 1160359 “Quantization and Pseudodifferential Operators on Groups”.Investigador Responsable.
  2. 2014 – 2016: Núcleo Cientifico Milenio No. RC – 12002, Física Matemática. Investigador Asociado.
  3. 2012 -2016: Proyecto Fondecyt No. 1120300, “Spectral Analysis for Pseudodifferential Operators by Analytical and Algebraical Methods”. Investigador Responsable.
  4. 2009- 2012: Núcleo Cientifico Milenio No. ICM P07-027-F, “Mathematical Theory of Quantum and Classical Magnetic Systems” Investigador Asociado.
  5. 2008-2012: Proyecto Fondecyt No. 1085162 “The mathematical formalism of the variable magnetic field; pseudodifferential operators and observable algebras”. Investigador responsable.